Rock and Sea Adventures now offer the latest syllabus BCU and UKCC Coaching and Star Awards.


BC Personal Performance Award - Advanced Sea Kayak

As an Advanced Sea Kayaker, you will have extensive experience of paddling on the sea.

BC Personal Performance Award - Coastal Sea Kayak

Your Coastal Sea Kayak Award endorses your judgment, decision making and expertise and requires a good understanding of paddling on the sea.

BC Personal Performance Award - Sea Kayak

The Sea Kayak Award endorses your skill, judgment and the decision making required for a successful day on the sea.

Moderate Water Sea Training

This is a 2 day British Canoeing course (formerly the Moderate Water Endorsement) to prepare you for the 1 day Sea Kayak Coach Assessment.

Advanced Water Sea Training

This is a 2 day British Canoeing course (formerly the Advanced Water Endorsement) in more challenging conditions to prepare you for the 1 day Sea Kayak Coach (Advanced Water) Assessment.

Moderate Water Endorsement Assessment

This British Canoeing course (formerly the Moderate Water Endorsement Assessment) is a one day assessment covering the Sea Kayak Coach syllabus..

Advanced Water Endorsement Assessment

This British Canoeing course (formerly the Advanced Water Endorsement Assessment) is a one day assessment covering the Sea Kayak Coach (Advanced Water) syllabus.

5 Star Training - 5 Day

This course is designed to provide and exceed the training requirements for the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (formerly the 5 Star) award.

5 Star Training - 3 Day

This course covers the minimum requirement for the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (formerly 5 Star) Award: Leadership, rescue and safety, navigation and personal paddling skills.

5 Star Assessment - 2 Day

This 2 day assessment will cover the requirements of the Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (formerly 5 Star) Award.

4 Star Training - 3 day

This 3 day program provides minimum training requirement for the Sea Kayak Leader award (formerly 4 Star).

4 Star Training - 5 day

This 5 day course gives us more time to cover the Sea Kayak Leader syllabus (formerly 4 Star) and cover any weaker areas in greater detail.

4 Star Assessment - 2 Day

This 2 day assessment covers the Sea Kayak Leader syllabus in leadership, rescue and personal paddling.

BC Guide Module - Campcraft & Expedition Leadership

This one day course is part of a group of new British Canoeing modules to be completed on the new BC Guides Endorsement.

"Thank you for a fantastic experience. Never been that close to a seal before.
Wonderful food, great coaching in the kayak. Will definitely be back again"